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ITV offers an array of training programs on various topics, specifically targeting youth violence prevention, violence reduction and interruption work. All programs are customized to address the specific needs of the requesting organization. Generally, the audience for training includes: outreach workers, violence interrupters, as well as community based nonprofit organization (CBO) leadership staff.


ITV provides workshops on messaging and crisis communication for community based organizations. Alternatives to violence prevention, hiring formerly incarcerated staff, and promoting public health approach to public safety can all be controversial and difficult to message topics. We work with you to fine tune language, manage perception, and develop media relations to make sure your program is understood and can handle any PR backlash.


ITV also facilitates community-health focus groups and discovery sessions for public health centers, hospitals, health clinics and other human services to ensure diverse populations have a voice in institutional policy development.


All completed training's include a certificate of completion issued to all individuals who attend and successfully complete the course. Those training's marked with an asterisk (*) are abbreviated one page TIP sheets.


  • Burn-Out

  • Community Engagement

  • Conflict Mediation

  • Conflict Resolution/ Peer Pressure

  • Control Anger ï‚· Detecting Violence

  • Gangs, Cliques and Street Organizations

  • Improving Faculty, Staff, and Student relations

  • Improving Teachers and Student relations

  • Keys to reaching the young people*

  • Multi-generational Conflicts- ” Parents vs Children”

  • Shadowing Staff

  • Social Workers/ Staff Building Relationships with Youth

  • Stop the Violence 101*

  • The Art of Engaging


Specialized Training: These training programs are specifically designed for CBO leadership staff or those individuals interested in developing a program site.


  • Site Management (How to Build an Effective Program Site)

  • Technical Assistance (TA) Toolkit

Violence Interruption

Violence Interrupters are firefighters on the frontlines of conflict and community violence.  

They stop the shooting and killing in a community on the front end by intervening in conflicts. They identify and work with the highest-risk individuals most likely to be involved in a violent incident. They work with a community to change the conversation around violence at the neighborhood level.

And ITV has proven experience recruiting and training these highly specialized professionals in this highly unconventional skillset. To date, ITV has trained nearly 3,000 violence interrupters around the world.

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Public Safety Planning

Public Safety Planning helps communities assess the level of intervention necessary to address the violence in a given community. From recruiting, training, and deploying violence interrupters to lighter touch interventions that work collaboratively with resources in a neighborhood, ITV helps determine what type of public safety plans need to be put into place. ITV endorses equity-based public safety planning that looks at community safety from a community perspective. Working with activists, community-based organizations, city officials, and other stakeholders, ITV helps residents to develop and implement a safety plan that works for the whole community

Credible Messenger Training

There is often a social distance between community residents and the institutions that serve them. Health and hospital systems, housing programs, financial institutions, and more have difficulty navigating this distance. ITV Community Engagement bridges that gap making sure everyone is speaking the same cultural language. 

Credible Messenger Training works with individuals who have the lived experience and community connections to help bridge this gap for organizations, institutions, companies, and businesses. ITV trains on the Credible Messenger model to help initiatives identify the right spokesperson to promote the right message throughout the community. 

Community Engagement

Engagement uses a range of skills to bridge the gap between community residents and the institutions that serve them, including public education, events, credible messengers, outreach, and more.

This training covers the basics on how to reach hard-to-reach residents, overcome trust barriers, and leverage community resources to help meet community need. 


“Mindset is everything!” Mr. Williams declares to a packed house of hundreds of engaged youth. The youth, many of whom feel abandoned or betrayed by the adults in their lives, sit at rapt attention, leaning forward in their chairs to hear more. It is clear, Mr. Williams has their attention—and more so, he understands them.  


Mr. Williams has shared his inspiring story of struggle, resilience, and redemption with hundreds of young people across the country.  A captivating storyteller, who mixes humor and playfulness in with lessons on positive decision making, shifting mindset, and suspending snap judgements, Mr. Williams helps inspire young people to improve their outlook and get ahead. ITV delivers motivational talks and more intensive training for young people.


More in depth trainings include:

  • Mindset: Staying Positive in the Face of Hardship

  • Sacrifice Must Be Made: Choices for a Positive Outlook 

  • How to Suspend Your Snap Judgements to Make a More Reasonable Decision

  • Finding Hope in Hopeless Situations

In addition, Mr. Williams has been a keynote speaker at the U.S. Capitol, the United Nations, the American Bar Association and the U.S. Conference of Mayors. His TED Talk received a standing ovation and has been viewed hundreds of times. He also appeared at numerous colleges and universities including Notre Dame, Iowa, Loyola, University of Chicago and NEIU.


Contact Mr. Williams for one of speaking engagements, live events, or more intensive training.

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